公司简介 / ABOUT US
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集装箱制造有限公司致力于集装箱的销售、定做、进出口、售后服务等业务。公司分为几个部分办公,工厂、堆场、修箱场和市内办公室,工厂坐落于大连保税区仓储一号,厂房面积9135平方米、露天堆场26000平方米,消防设施,总面积35135平方米。我司不仅拥有先进的生产设备(松下电焊机、自动焊机、折弯机、剪板机、吊车等)而且雄厚的技术实力,为东北省首屈一指!自始建于今,已承接了几十项大型集装箱制作工程项目,先后与中国核电工程公司;中国核工业第二三建设公司;中国核工业第二四建设公司;中国核工业第五建设公司;辽河油田沈阳工程技术处;辽河油田锦州工程技术处;交通部烟台打捞局;渤海船舶重工;黑河凯达贸易公司;沈阳凯飞达集团公司;中铁十三局;吉林送变电;大庆石化建设工程公司;北京国际贸易有限公司;新疆国际货运代理有限公司;黑龙江石油设备制造有限公司;大连国际运输(大连)有限公司;瓦房店红沿河核电站;大连金湾建设集团有限公司;日本Sunfield Nihonmastu Golf CLUB等合作。并赢得了客户的信任和好评!

About Ziqi

Dalian Ziqi Container Manufacturing Co., Ltd is one of the private container manufacturing enterprises in the north-east of China. Our company is committed to container sales, container customizing, import and export of containers and after-sale service. Our company is located in the beautiful coastal city, Dalian. With convenient traffic. We have exported to Japan, New Zealand and Austrilia and so on, about dozens of countries with rich experience.

·New container business: International ISO standard container manufacturing and sales;

Special container customizing; Various types of container modified office, dormitory and warehouse, etc.

·Second-hand container purchasing and sales, leasing, maintenance, modification, container accessories production and sales.

·Our professional mending team provide service of mending accident-crashed container; clothes-use container modification service; and other related services, such as container’s domestic and foreign transportation.

·We also accept steel related OEM processing business, since we have all related equipment such as bending machine, shearing machine, welding machine, etc.

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  • 地址 大连保税区仓储一号路旁(仓储一号路与金港一路交叉口)